Ericsson Amos User Guide

Posted : admin On 27.12.2019
Ericsson Amos User Guide Rating: 4,7/5 2627 reviews

AMOSHELL Python convenience class to interface to Ericsson's amos/moshell commands Install pip install amoshell Synopsis import amoshell mo = amoshell.Amos rval, out, err = mo.moshell('RBS003', 'lt all; alt') if rval: print err else: print out API. Amos( kwargs).

  1. Spss Amos User Guide

binpath: keyword-arg to set a non-standard path where the moshell binaries may be installed (optional). parallel: keyword-arg to set max number of parallel sessions that mobatch may run (defaults to 10). Amos.moshell( name, command, kwargs) Run a moshell command on a node.

Amos user guide

name: recognized node name or node ip address. command: command string. Multiple commands are delimited with semicolon.

kwargs: any valid options that are normally set with the '-v' on the moshell command line can be entered here. See Ericsson AMOS user guide for more. Return value is a tuple, containing:. exit code: 0 = ok, non-zero = a failure. stdout text:. stderr text:.

Amos.mobatch( nodes, command, kwargs) Run mobatch commands against many nodes simultaneously. nodes: a list of node names (or ip addresses), or a string pointing to an existing sitefile. command: command string, or a string identifying the path to an existing moshell command file.

kwargs: any valid options that are normally set with the '-v' on the moshell command line can be entered here. See Ericsson AMOS user guide for more. Return value is a list of tuples.

Spss Amos User Guide


Each 3 element tuple contains:. node name: node this tuple's info relates to. exit code: 0 = ok, non-zero = a failure. path to log: path to the file containing the moshell results for this node. Examples import amoshell mo = amoshell.Amos # moshell example rval, out, err = mo.moshell('RBS003', 'lt all; alt') # mobatch example results = mo.mobatch('ERBS001', 'ERBS002', 'lt all; get security', ipdatabase=/tmp/ipdb.dat, corbaclass=5 ) for r in results: node, rval, logfile = r if not rval: print 'node%s results found in log%s'% (node, logfile) Known Issues Node Passwords: Some commands in moshell require a password.

This tool is not designed to have an interactive shell, and a password request will cause this to hang indefinitely. To prevent this, you should use a custom ipdatabase file containing nodes and their passwords. The file is then referenced with the 'ipdatabase' optional arg. Amos.moshell(node, command, ipdatabase='/path/to/file') See Ericsson documentation for more information about these ipdatabase files.

To Do Author Jeff Leary (sillymonkeysoftware -at- gmail -dot- com).

API. Amos( kwargs). binpath: keyword-arg to set a non-standard path where the moshell binaries may be installed (optional). parallel: keyword-arg to set max number of parallel sessions that mobatch may run (defaults to 10). Amos.moshell( name, command, kwargs) Run a moshell command on a node. name: recognized node name or node ip address. command: command string.

Multiple commands are delimited with semicolon. Woods 7500 backhoe manual. kwargs: any valid options that are normally set with the ‘-v’ on the moshell command line can be entered here. See Ericsson AMOS user guide for more. Return value is a tuple, containing:. exit code: 0 = ok, non-zero = a failure. stdout text:.

stderr text:. Amos.mobatch( nodes, command, kwargs) Run mobatch commands against many nodes simultaneously. nodes: a list of node names (or ip addresses), or a string pointing to an existing sitefile. command: command string, or a string identifying the path to an existing moshell command file. kwargs: any valid options that are normally set with the ‘-v’ on the moshell command line can be entered here.

See Ericsson AMOS user guide for more. Return value is a list of tuples. Each 3 element tuple contains:. node name: node this tuple’s info relates to.

exit code: 0 = ok, non-zero = a failure. path to log: path to the file containing the moshell results for this node.